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Dreaming Specter

Dreaming Specter is an interactive visual installation to highlight memory decay. It was created for and installed at Decadent Decay; an immersive dining event by Guerilla Science at Bat Haus in Brooklyn. The two nights event explored the theme of ‘decay’ in science, arts, and creative dining. A camera captured movement in real-time, preserved parts in view, that were filtered and re-drawn over and over, refreshing every minute, and projected inside a large empty frame during the event.

The dreaming specter observes a part of our reality, our physical selves in a small space and over time presents it through a visual language constructed out of our present and immediate past. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between the two states of trying to live in the moment and trying to live in memory and reflection. Moments are born out of both states, jumping from one to the other. They then fade away just like memories over time.

Result is an ever-changing digital dream state that reveals patterns constructed through loose associations with physical bodies, abstracting their identities and meaning digitally. In this digital age, we are dissolving into networks and systems as they are dissolving into us, forming ephemeral, misrepresented identities that can render us in a state of oblivion.

Dreaming Specter in the background

View from the side

Installation behind yours truly

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